Thursday 30 November 2017

Narrative Writing

i am learning to write a narrative story.
I'll know I can do this when my stories have:
- Character - Setting - Introduction - Problem - Climax - Conclusion - Descriptive language such as smilies and metaphors - Character speech using speech marks

This is my narrative

This is my narrative i have been writing. It is about Hermes a Greek God 

Something i found hard was putting the sentences together.
Something I learned was the expert word for hero is protagonist.

Tuesday 24 October 2017


In Taiao I have been learning about chickens. I have learned about the parts of a chicken, some facts about chickens, the parts of an egg (which I used to make an omelette), and what a chicken needs to be happy and healthy.
Next time I will search for better facts.


In music with Mr McCullum I have been learning to play the ukulele.
I'll know I've been successful when I hold the ukulele correctly and can strum the cords.
Next time I will learn the cord names.

Reading Putakitaki

I am learning to make connections between the text and my prior knowledge. I'll know I can do this when I can share what I already know about a topic prior to reading and make connections throughout the text.
I learnt that pukekos can't fly.

Maths Porowhita

I am learning how to solve addition and subtraction problems with integers. I'll know I can do this when I can solve simple addition and subtraction problems involving positive and negative numbers. Something I learnt is 81 divided by 9 is 9.

Art Don Binney

We are learning to create art inspired by Don Binney. I'll know I can do this when I have created a landscape with a foreground, middle, and background.
My bird and my background are coloured using pastels and natural colours.
the hardest thing was covering the white spots with pastel.

Monday 16 October 2017

Learner Qualities

I am learning how to communicate. I'll know I can do this when I can identify a variety of ways I can communicate with others.
One way I communicate is by using actions instead of words.

Friday 15 September 2017

Creative Writing - Scripts

We are learning to write scripts to create a play.

We know we are successful if our script has:
- multiple characters
- a setting
- character speech
- stage direction (in a different colour to the speech)

Once we have written our scripts we are creating the plays using Puppet Pals.

My play is called "The Aliens"

Thursday 10 August 2017

peace week 2017

I have been learning about Peace Week.
Peace Week is an annual tradition organised by The Peace Foundation every year. You can learn more about The Peace Foundation by following this LINK.

As a way to learn about Peace Week I did three different Peace Week activities.

With Miss Brennan we created a poster to help promote peace and Peace Week.
With Mrs Baker we made hand print doves and wrote messages of peace on them.
With Mr Horn we looked at the symbols of peace such as the dove and created origami doves.

Here is an example of one of my activities

Friday 7 April 2017

Logan's Post on Friday, 7 April 2017

Easy Blog Photo
I have been learning how to create an example of a simile. This is my example... the poppy was as red as blood Next time I would like to learn more about ANZAC as I'm not Kiwi.